Anime For Life

Anime For Life 

Hi there friends. Today I will be discussing about how ANIMES helped me in personal situations and changed my everyday life into something more interesting. I'll be just giving my own opinions based on my personal situations. So, there could be even more exciting things about animes thus feel free to share about yours too. Let us start with today's topic.

First of all, Anime is simply the term used for animation in Japan. So, eventually outside of Japan anime is referred as animation from or originated from Japan. They are basically hand-drawn graphic materials which later realised as animation cartoons. This animes are often misunderstood by many as cartoons for childrens and children television shows. For goodness sake, believe me my friend it is not just for children whereas there are the people over 30 and 40 years old are enjoying animes.

*OTAKU - People who are totally interested and obsessed with Anime, Manga and Games.

1) Ease our mood

At first i just watched it during my free time or when i am bored. But what's fascinating 
about it is, as days go by anime changed or  more correctly improve my everyday mood. 
As animes are immersed in vivid colours most of time, it positively impact our daily mood and help us pay more attention to vibrant colors in our daily life. Anime also got inspiring songs.

2) Often learn new things.
While there are also Chinese and Korean-likeanime shows, a typical anime is Japanese.
So, for otakus from all over the globe, anime actually be rather educational. I started watching 
anime since i was 13 and until now i've gained so much knowledge on not just the language but 
other culture and way of living. It doesn't stop there I AM still learning new things everyday.

3) Explore meaningful concepts regularly.

Despite the rather unrealistic nature of most anime, many shows teach us a lesson or explore
at least one major thematic issue centrals on human life and existence. For example, Full Metal
Alchemist Brotherhood explores the themes of kinship, death and corruption. Sword Art Online explores how humans construct our perceptions of reality and what makes one reality the true one. Naruto explores the theme of hurdles to face in life, love for our parents and friends and also the will to survive.

            I think not just me but about everyone has had a terrible day at some point. Anime is perfect for one of those days that you don't feel like dealing with anyone or anything. Regardless of what you feel like watching, there is an anime for every genre. For example,romance, comedy, sci-fi and etc. Anime is something that helped me to get inspired with hope. I hope it will do the same for guys too.That is all for today my friends. 

Thank you and ALWAYS remember to Love Yourself above all.


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