Carbohydrate or carbs is grouped with fats and protein as macro-nutrients. Its main function is to provide energy or fuel to our body to "work" through the day. Keep in mind that the term "work" is also including all body basic functions such as metabolism, heartbeat and etc.

There are 3 main categories of dietary carbohydrates that are sugar, starch and fiber. Sugar is basically the smallest unit of carbs that eventually made starches and fibers. Although starches are big compared to sugar, it will eventually get broken down in the digestive system, unlike fibre. Good bacteria inside the digestive system will make use some of the fiber we consumed as human cannot digest fibers.

Sugars and starches will be stored as fats if they are not used by the body. This is the reason why Malaysia is among top leading country with most cases of obesity. Diet in here consist of rice as the main food and rice is a high-carbs food. Due to lack of exercises, the energy stored became fats and over the years, stacking up and causes obesity.

But rice definitely is not to blame. In fact, it is consider a healthy food because of its high-carbs content. Please do some extra reading and get to know the right amount of carbs your body needed in order to stay healthy. Basal Metaboli Rate(BMR) is the amount of daily caloric need of a person at rest. Some of the high-carbs food are including rice, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, bananas and many more! Check out 12 High-Carb Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy


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