On this post, we are going to discuss about water. What is it, what it does and how we utilize it. 

Basically, every system in the body, from cells to tissues, to vital organs in the body require water to function. In normal circumstances, humans can only survive a few days without water!

Our body constantly lose water, primarily via sweat and urine. To prevent dehydration which can lead to many other complications in our body, we need to drink adequate amount of water.

It is suggested that we drink around 2 litres of water throughout a day in life. Though it may be varies to each people due to internal and external factors, it is safe and healthy to intake water a bit more than our body should.

Many health problem could be prevented or solved by increasing water intake. This is such as help with constipation, decrease the risk of kidney stones, and help with acne and skin hydration. 

Above all this, please acknowledge that drinking too much of water can be dangerous! This condition is called overhydration. Overhydration can lead to water intoxication. This condition cause electrolytes in our body become too dilute, which can cause fatal. 


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